How To Install A Sand Pit For Long Jump

How To Install A Sand Pit For Long Jump

Are you looking to improve the athletics facilities in your school or club? If so, then having a high quality sand pit long jump installation could be what makes all the difference.

As with any other athletics equipment, it’s the quality of the installation that will enable those using it to get the very best results and the most enjoyment out of it. This applies to all aspects of the long jump, from the take off board, to the run up, to the sand pit structure and the quality of the sand.

A sand pit for a long jump comes in two sizes – one which is for senior schools and sports clubs and another which is for primary schools (and therefore smaller). There’s quite a big difference between the two, as, having an adult size sand pit for a long jump would simply be a waste of space in a primary school (because the small children would only ever use part of it).

Long jump care considerations

Wherever it is that you’re having a long jump sand pit installed, it’s important to regularly check that the sand which goes in it is kept dry, uncontaminated and clean, in order to make it safe to use. For this reason, people often invest in a cover for their sand pit, which will protect the sand all year round.

Other factors to consider, when having your sand pit for a long jump installed is its location. Taking care to check the ground is stable and suitable, and that there are no trees or bushes overhanging it, is a good way to be certain it will stay in tip-top condition for as long as possible.

Remember, taking care of your athletics equipment, as well as having it installed correctly, is paramount, in order to provide maximum benefit to your athletes (and this also applies to any high jump, or pole vault equipment, too).

Long jump sand pit specifications

Both sizes of long jump sand pits come with concrete surrounds with rubber safety capping, to help guarantee that the risk of injury is minimised. In addition, the long jump sandpits which we install are made from a geotextile fabric with washed white sand which will not stain or compact.

The runway material is also made using a rubber shock absorbing layer (to reduce the impact on joints) with a red rubber crumb and red polyurethane wearing coat which is placed over a layer of no-fines concrete on top of MOT type 1 crushed stone.

We offer a fully customised long jump pit design and installation service which means we can provide a solution to fit within most spaces that schools and clubs have.

While the length of the runway remains the same for both available sizes, the sand pits for the long jumps which we install vary as follows:

Senior Club / Senior School

  • Pit size: 9 metre x 400mm depth
  • Pit width: 3 metre upwards

Primary School

  • Pit size: 7 metre x 300mm depth
  • Pit width: 3 metre upwards

Get Your 100% FREE Quote Now

If you would like to find out more about having a sand pit for long jump installed, then get in touch with our team today for a free quote from an installation specialist.

With almost 40 years’ experience in sports equipment installation, at a wide range of UK locations, we are confident that we can find the solution that’s perfect for your needs.

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