Category Archives: Athletics

How To Install A Sand Pit For Long Jump
Are you looking to improve the athletics facilities in your school or club? If so, then having a high quality sand pit long jump installation could be what makes all the difference. As with any other athletics equipment, it’s the quality of the installation that will enable those using it to get the very best.. Continue Reading
12 Far Reaching Facts About Long Jump
Take a peek at the infographic we’ve created below that details twelve facts about the history of long jump! You can find out the depth of a long jump pit, the ancient history of the sport as well as the strange original technique that was used! (We have also included a quick code snippet at.. Continue Reading

Pole Vault Runway Construction
Over the last few years, the popularity of sports, such as the pole vault, has gone from strength to strength in schools and clubs all over the UK and with that the increasing need for Pole Vault Runway Construction. From long jump to high jump, discus to javelin, athletics as a whole – and the.. Continue Reading

The Benefits of Using Outdoor Gym Equipment for Children
Ever wondered why access to outdoor gym equipment is vital for children? Here is some excellent information on the benefits of using outdoor gym equipment for children. Staying fit and active has always been a major factor in enabling our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, not to mention improving life expectancy and reducing the likelihood.. Continue Reading

Discus Throwing Cage Installation
At CJ Sport Surfaces we have provided a wide variety of sports equipment for schools for many years – enabling young people to enjoy a vast range of sporting activities while developing their skills and keeping fit and healthy. From discus throwing cage installation to cricket nets and sights screens, we can supply and install.. Continue Reading

Javelin Runway Installation
As the weather gets warmer, schools and sports clubs turn their minds more towards outdoor athletics and the variety of events involved. This can include the sport of javelin throwing which can offer benefits for both muscular strength and endurance, as well as cardiovascular fitness which means Javelin Runway Installation becomes a very spoken about.. Continue Reading