Category Archives: Ball Stop Netting

Netting For Golf Balls
A golf ball, while not large in size, can be hit at speeds nearing 200 mph. For this reason, wherever golf is played, whether it’s at a driving range or golf course, it’s vital that netting for golf balls is put in place to prevent any damage from occurring. Having golf netting installed to stop.. Continue Reading

Cricket Net Construction
Are you in the process of setting up new cricket facilities in your educational establishment or sports club? If so, then doubtless you will be aware of just how important cricket net construction can be. Cricket balls, when hit by a bat with any level of speed, can hit home with a super hard impact… Continue Reading

Sports Net Installation – Put Safety First
Any schools or clubs wanting to have the correct sporting facilities must always consider sports net installation. The main reason for this is safety. When playing sports such as cricket or golf, which involve hitting a hard ball, it’s vital to prevent any out of control balls from causing injury to spectators or passers-by. It.. Continue Reading